ننشر أجمل رسائل التهنئة بمناسبة بداية العام الجديد 2015، وبمناسبة المولد النبوي الشريف 1436، الرسائل تتناسب مع جميع المناسبات والاحتفالات ومع جميع الأشخاص.
اليوم عيد الحب في جميع البلاد العربية والأجنبية، والجميع يحتفل بعيد الحب فيوجد أشخاص تحتفل مع أحبابها أو زوجاتهم، أصدقائهم ……،صور فيس بوك يتمنى للجميع عيد حب سعيد.
صور فيس بوك ينشر لكم مجموعة كبيرة من الرسائل التى يبحث عنها الأشخاص من جميع البلاد للإرسال المسجات عبر الواتس أب، الفيس بوك.
نقدم لكم أجمل مسجات ورسائل للموبايل بجميع اللهجات العربية (المصرية والسعودية والخلجية والعراقية ومغربية وأردنية……إلخ) وباللغة الانجليزية ومترجمة للعربية والفرنسية.
أجمل كلمات ورسائل ومسجات تهنئة باللغة العربية والانجليزية بمناسبة عيد الحب2015 و لكل المناسبات 2015 للأهل والأقارب والأصحاب والأخوة و الأحباب والزملاء.
نقدم لكم أجمل رسائل ومسجات وعبارات رقيقة جدا لكل الأصدقاء والمعارف للبنات والشباب الكبار والصغار وكل الآباء والأمهات ……إلخ .
باقي شهر ويحتفل الجميع بعيد الحب (الفلانتين ) فى جميع البلدان العربية والأجنبية ويهنىء موقع صور فيس بوك كل الأحباب بهذه المناسبة السعيدة .
نقدم لكم أحلى وأجمل كلمات وعبارات ورسائل تهنئة بمناسبة عيد الحب 2015 باللغة الأنجليزية وباللغة العربية وبها أحلى كلمات تهنئة روعة .
موقع صور فيس بوك يرغب في أن يشارك الجميع في جميع البلدان العربية بقدوم هذه المناسبة السعيدة ويهنىء الشعب المصري بصفة خاصة و كل الأحبة والمخطوبين .
نقدم لكم هذه الكلمات والعبارات والرسائل والمسجات باللغة الانجليزية لأنها اللغة المنتشرة الآن ويتحدث بها أغلب الشباب والكثير من البلدان تكون فيها اللغة الرسمية .
نقدم لكم أجمل مسجات ورسائل وكلمات وعبارات للأصدقاء والأحباب والأقارب وزملاء العمل وجميع المعارف…………….إلخ .
وكل عام وأنتم بخير
أجمل رسائل ومسجات وكلمات تهنئة بعيد الحب 2015 باللغة الانجليزية ومترجمة للعربية
نقدم لكم أجمل مسجات ورسائل وكلمات وعبارات للأصدقاء والأحباب والأقارب وزملاء العمل وجميع المعارف…………….إلخ .
*اجمد رسائل عيد الحب 2015 مصرية*
رحت للسوق أشتري ساعة غالية .. ما لقيتش أغلى من الساعة إلي شفتك فيها .
أنا أعرفك ! أكيد أعرفك .. بس شوفتك فين ؟ افتكرت .. أنت اللي نص الشهر يملي السما نورك .
أحبك يا أحلى من كل البشر يا توأم الروح و أقـرب من نبضي ودمّي وهواي
ثلاثه تملكها وهي أغلى ما عندي: اشوفك وصوتك ورسايلك لا تحرمني منها رجاءً
لليل هلاله ولقلبي حبيب عذبني دلاله يا ترى اليوم كيف حاله
لو يحرمني الزمن لوقاك فلن يحرمني من ذكراك أحبك و أوعد ما أنساك
استعد لتحليل فصيلة الدم. انتظر. النتيجة في الطريق . اكتشاف خطير. دمك ع.س.ل
خليك جاهز يمكن تنقص الكمية و نحتاج لك المرسل:مصنع العسل و الشوكولاته
أرسل حمامة سلام بفمها وردة غرام من الولهان لاغلى و اعز إنسان
في مساء ساهر مع نجم ساهر أرسل باقة ورد حب عاطر لأغلى من مر على الخاطر
حضنـت حبـك بقلبي وخليت نوره بصدري لأنك عمـري وقلبـي أحبك جدا وربي
عهد .. ابقى سجين الود ..وعد .. مهما يطول البعد … تبقى حبيبي
اموت في ثلاثة .. البحر .. الورد … بشويش ياحبيبي …اكيد انت الثالث
مري ما فكرت فيك .. وما خطر في البال حبك .. دلوقتي قلبي مشتريك .. وعينيا بتقول بحبك .
اضحك لان العمر فاني .. ابتسم إياك تنساني .. اضحك لان الهنا لحظة .. ابتسم يا سئيل عشاني .
لو كنت لوحدك أنا تانيك .. ولو متضايق أنا أسليك .. ولو مبسوط الله يهنيك .
قهوتي أنت سكرها .. وزعلي أنت رضاه .. ومرضي أنت دواه .. ونظرتك عمري فداها .
خليك جنبي قريب .. لو حصل شي بيننا .. عن حياتي مش تغيب .
رحت للمول أشتري ساعة غالية .. ما لقيتش أغلى من الساعة إلي شفتك فيها .
مشتاق أتكلم معاك .. وأحس لحظة بهواك .. من كتر ما أقول غالي .. زاد بغيابك حلاك .
أنا أعرفك ! أكيد أعرفك .. بس شوفتك فين ؟ افتكرت .. أنت اللي نص الشهر يملي السما نورك .
العمر زهرة .. والحياة فترة .. والحب مرة .. افتكرني لو كنت أستحق الذكرى .
مطلوب في قسم شرطة الحب .. بتهمة سرقة قلبي .. ومش هاتطلع إلا بكفالة قدرها (5000) بوسه.
بعيشلك .. وعشانك .. وبحبك أكتر من أهلك .. ولو مش مصدقني أسأل قلبي .لو سنين عمري تضيع .. والزهور تنسى الربيع .. مش هنساك ابدا .
قلبي وأنا أدرى به .. بيحبك وهيمان فيك .. تبي الحقيقة .. كل كلي يحبك ويموت فيك .
كلمة أحبك وساندوتش وصاية منك كفاية .. .
أهديك شيك بمليون بوسة .. أصرفه من بنك حبي .. شارع فكري .. الدور الأول من قلبي .
أرسلت شمعة تنور لك .. رجعت لي زعلانه !! قلت لها ليه ؟؟ قالت كيف ترسلني لقمر من نور .
تمنيت أكون دمعه .. حتى أولد في عينيك .. وأعيش على خديك .. وأموت عند شفتيك .
لو عرف النحل طعم شفتيك .. لترك العسل وذهب إليك .
لو جمعت أيام عمري من فرح .. ما تساويش لحظة من وقتي معك .
إن هزك الشوق يوما فلم تراني .. فهذه الرسالة تنوب عن لساني .. أحبك .
إنت ممكن لما تنام تترك الدنيا وراك
بس أنا لما أنام بيبتدى حلمى معاك
يا بخت المكان بيك .. يا بخت اللي حواليك ..
يا بخت ناس تشوفك .. وانا مشتاق ليك
اهديك وردتين .. وردة حمرا تقول أحبك
ووردة صفرا تقول بغير عليك
*أحدث رسائل عيد الحب 2015 عراقية*
ريته اليطيح ابضيج كون اخوه وياه .. اوكل مايقول احاه كلها اتلــــــــــقاه
ينتل حبيب الروح تيارة عالي شما تكثر النتلات يبقى اغلى غالي
ضلمة وتدور اعليك روحي شجاها متولعة بيك اسنين خلها بهواها
ابيع الكون وأشتريك .. من حنان القلب اعطيك .. ياترىيرضيك حبيبي .. عشان أرضيك؟
أهجر الدنيا وأجيك .. وأخليها على شانك .. منواللي يستاهل .. ياخذ مكانك .. ياعمري
كيف أناديك عمري والعمر فاني .. إنت غير الناس عندي .. ولك غلا ولا لك ثاني
حبيبي نايم بالعسل وكلبي محتركه نااره ..ترى عمري خمس سنتات متبني عماره
دمعي علي الخد سايل .. مشتاق وحظي مايل .. أكتب بالقلم السايل .. أحبك بكل الوسايل
جاوبني هسه بساع ونطيني رأيك بعدك تعزني هواي لو خبط مايك…تحياتي الى حبيبتي المجهوله
مشكلتي صعبه اصبحت ماعندي كل احلول فركاك صار مرض بيه راح انتحر حبيبي شتكول
لاتزعل وتحتار لو غبنا عنك كل الادلة اتكول ماكو اغلى منك
*أجدد رسائل عيد الحب 2015 مسجات تهنئة فالنتين اردنية*
انت مو كبير بس جبل مو جميل بس قمر مو حلو بس عسل هذا إعجاب مو غزل..
آه لو تدري بشوقي في غيابك كيف زاد . . انت لو شوقك اللي مدينه. . أنا شوقي لعيونك بلاد
الورد يذبل لو طال الأمد .. و الجمر يطفي و يتحول رمد .. و غلاك في قلبي يبقى للأبد
شبهتك بالقهوه .. حلوه متل وجهك .. تقيله متل عقلك .. خفيفه متل ظلك .. مره متل بُعدك
القمر حلو لكنه عالي .. و الذهب حلو لكنه غالي .. وانت احلى منهم لأنك دايماً على بالي
فضحني دمعي البارح وانا في حبكم سارح
حُبي لك ما هو رساله بالجوال .. ولا هي كلمه وتنقال.. حبي لك زلزال يهز جبال.!!
اختار الاجابه: أنا وانت: – 1- حبايب للأبد .. 2 – روحين في جسد .. 3 – ما نتفارق ابد
لك كل كلي ولي بعض كلك .. بدي كل كلك ولك مني كلي وكل كلي يفدي كلك يا بعد كلك
اشتاقلك شوقن له الشوق يشتاق شوقن يشوق شايق الشوق شوقه .. وسلامتك
ما وجه الشبه بينك وبين الدم؟؟؟؟ اتنينكم تدخلون القلب بس انت ما تطلع
تشتاقلك الجنه و نهرها .. ويشتاقلك رب خلقها.. وتشتاقلك أحباب دوم انت بئلبها .
*أروع رسائل عيد الحب 2015 بلهجة جزائرية دارجة*
حبيت نبعتلك بوسة مع أحلى عصفور بص يا روحي خفت عليك من أنفلونزا الطيور
يا نجمات الليل روحي ليه وعلى جبينو بوسيه وقوليلو راني راقدة نحلم بيه وما نتهنى غير النهار ليجيني فيه
من وحشك عييت ومن غيابك سوفريت ومن صبري مليت نطلب من ربي يحميك حتى يلاقيني بيك
يا قمر الليل روح عند حبيبي (…) زوريه وفي طريق السلامة احميه حتى يرجع لحبيبتو ولماليه
توحشت صوتك لحنين توحشت كلامك لبنين توحشت نظرة عينيك المزيانين قولي أنت وين في قلبي وفي عقلي ولا فيهم لتنين
نبعتلك دعوة تحميك ومحبة تهنيك وعقلي ما يسمح فيك وحضن يدفيك وقلبي يفرط في كنوز الدنيا وما يفرط فيك
حبيتك بكل كياني نقولها بقلبي ولساني عطيتك كل حياتي ونقتلك كون تنساني
ألف ضحكة تملي أيامك وألف فرحة تنور أحلامك وألف وردة تزين الطريق قدامك بألف كلمة من قلبي تقلك نموت عليك
*احدث رسائل عيد الحب 2015 مغربية*
مســا الخيــر علـيـك و عليــنا
مســا النور و الكـلمــة الحنيـنا
مســا النجوم ليمضــويا لياليـنا
واش حنا في البال ولا نسيتينا
ايـوا نعل الشيطان و سول فينـا
درت التحاليل على قلــبي
اشمــــن الـــم حسيـــتو
لقيت حبك هنا فيه بغـــيتو
سولنـــي الطبـيـب علـيـك
قلـــت لـــيـــه حبـــيـــتـــو
عـــطـــانــي دوا كبـــيـتو
نصحني باش نساك سبيتو
عـــلـــى تغـــاريـــد الطيـــور
ورحـــيـــق الـــزهـــور
و أشعة الشمس الي كلها نور
نقوليك صـــباح كـــل عــطـــور
وبـــصـــحـــا الفـــطــــــور
وخــــــا الشمـس تنســـا طـــلـــع
وخــــــا مـــومـــو انســـا ا رضـــع
وخــــــا الفـــنـــان انســـا ا بــــدع
وخــــــا العـــبـــد انســـا ا ركـــــع
منسـاش نقوليك صبـــاح الخـــيـــر
وخــــــا روحـــي طـــلـــع
*مسجات عيد الحب 2015 باللغة الفرنسية*
tu es rechercher par la police
d’amour accusée d’avoir vole
mon coeur tu ne sera libére
q’aprés paye une amende
de 10000 bisous
j’ai tout sauf toi
donc je n’ai rien
car tu es tout
pour moi
le ciel est triste,
les oiseaux pleurent,
les fleures sont deçues
… sais tu pourquoi?
parce qu’il n’y a pas de soleil
…allez fais leur plaiser: lève toi!
les vagues de la mére
les étoiles de la nuit
les anges du paradis
son tous réunis entour toi
pour te souhaiter “bonne nuit”
* أحلى رسائل عيد الحب ٢٠١٤ سعودية خليجية*
حبيبي إذا مر يوم وماشتفك أناظر في الخيال رسمك كأنك جيت وناظرتك .
يأتي الليل يسألني مالي أراك تسهرني فأجيب انتظر حبيب يحن فيراسلني .
أهدي لك سلام ماينعد وباقة ورد وبوسة خد وانا انتظر منك رد ؟ .
تعال المحكمة بسرعة بسرعة لا تتأخر بسرعة ابغي أسجل قلبي باسمك .
لا تظن أن هذا صوت موبايلك ينبهـك لرسالة هذي صرخة فـؤادي تقول مشتاق لك .
اللي يحبك صعب يقدر يخليك حظك عطاك إنسان بالحيل يغليك .
إن كان غيري كاتب غلاك بسطور تراني نقشته بذهب ما تمحيه بحور
ادري يا حبيبي وقتي لك دايم قليل حيل أنا مقصر وقلبي عنك انت مايميل .
اهديلك العمر واعتذر برخص الهدية قدر سما فوق السما ولك نجومها عطيه .
لك يا أغلى من ذاتي سلامي مع تحياتي إذا كان الشوق غلطه انت أحلى غلطاتي .
أسمعك تمشي وسط قلبي وأناجيك والناس تحسب مشيك دق قلبي .
إن قلت احبك قليلة في حقك وإن قلت أموت فيك ما عطيتك كل حقك أنا كلي لك .
أماتني الحب عشاقا وحبك أنت أحياني ولو خيرت في وطن لـقـلت هواك أوطاني .
لو جبت اكبر ميزان في الكون ما راح تقدر توزن وتعرف كثر حبي آلك ياحلو .
أنا جربت نفسي يوم أعيش من دونك لقيت القلب ما يسلى بعد ماصار مجنونك .
ذكراك في قلبي على مر الأزمان واسمك نقشته في داخلي ما أجمل حروفه .
ودي أكون لك أقرب من الرمش للعين وأكون أنا عينك وأملك نظرها .
لمحة زعل من عيونك تموتني بلا عله وبسمة رضا من شفاتك تعيشني العمر كله .
حبيت أعلمك إنك: أجمل حلم لقيته وأحلى صدر ضميته وأغلى حب في قلبي حطيته .
كلك مشاعر صادقه و رسائل حب رايقه وحبك دفا روحي فدا وفيك المحبه لايقه .
لو أتكلم عنك مافي قلبي بأوراقي تشتكي كلمات الحب وأوراقي تمل منها .
لا تستحي قل : أحبك تعبت أسماعي أرجوك يا صاحبي لا تستحي قلها .
مهما تغيب أشتاق لك ومهما تصد أحتاجلك أنت ياعمري دنيتي مهما تسوي عاذرك .
أنت عيني كان لي بالحب عين انت روحي وصمتي وبوحي انت وحدك من يضم جروحي .
وشلون أبحب غيرك و أنت تدري بي لاقالوا أسمك أشوف الموت وأحيابك .
أتمنى أحضنك ويتوقف العالم سنين وتحس بحضني وشوقي والحنين .
يا طير زف التحيه والفين بوسه هديه لمن فوادي يعزه من قلب مخلص النيه .
*أجمل رسائل ومسجات وكلمات تهنئة بعيد الحب 2015 باللغة الانجليزية *
If Your asking if I’ll Leave U the answer is NeverIf Your asking what I value the Answer is Uif Your asking if I love U the answer is I do.If I reached for your hand , will u hold it ?If I hold out my arms, will u hug me ?If I go for your lips, will u kiss me
If I capture ur heart , will u love me
If a kiss was a raindrop i’d send u showers.If a hug was a second i’d send u hours.If a smile was water i’d send u a sea.If love was a person i’d send u me…..Love is blind .. Be very kind .. When I kiss you …Please don’t mindAll I wanted was sum1 2 care 4 meAll I wanted was sum1 who’d b there 4 meAll I ever wanted was sum1 who’d b trueAll I ever wanted was sum1 like U…God is wise when he did not put a price tag on you darling. If he did,I won’t be able to afford to have a boyfriend (girlfriend) as precious as you.I miss the laughs I used to get from you, I miss the talks we used tohave. And above all, I just miss YOU!Let`s share the world.A sea is for you, and waves are for me.The sky is for you, and stars are for me.The sun is for you, and light is for me.Everything is for you, and you are for me…Every time i miss you, a star falls.So if you ever look up at the sky and the stars are gone,its because you made me miss you too much!3 – 2 = one heart praying 4 you1 + 1= two eyes looking for you3+2= five sensesmissing you.4+3= seven days in a week i desire you.7+5= 12months asking god to bless youIf Your asking if I Need U the answer is 4EverThe sad in apart,The hope in tomorrow,The joy in my heart.Hearts could only luv 4 a while u can put many relations in a file, u can make a desert from the Nile, but u can’t stop my smile when I c ur name on my phone. You put the fun in togetherI am in hospital now. After 5 minutes, I will be transferred to a surgery room. The doctor told me, I will die if I stop RECEIVING YOUR SMS.
If you fall in river there is a boat .. if you fall in well there is rope .. but if you fall in love there is no hope
If U delete this message thats bcoz u love me. .. If u save it thats bcoz u desire me .. & if u ignore it thats bcoz u miss me. So what u gonna do with It?
Do you believe in love at first sightDo you believe in love at first sight .. or do I have to walk by again??
Love is sweet poison: .. Do not consume without your beloved’s advise .. and keep out of reach of children .. and keep it in cool and dark place.
You are like the sunshine so warm, you are like sugar, so sweet… you are like you… and that’s the reason why I love you!
If you love someone, put their name in a circle, instead of a heart, because hearts can break, but circles go on forever
L O V E .. L = Lake of Sorrows .. O = Ocean of Tears .. V = Valley of Death .. E = End of life….
You must be a good runner because you are always running in my mind, you must be a good thief because you have stolen my heart, and i am always a bad shooter because I Miss You Always…
I have the “I”,I have the “L”,I have the “O”,I have the “V”,I have the“E”,… so pls can I have “U”?
What I feel for you,is really true. You got to know,I need you so. When you are gone,I can’t go on. Can’t you see, that you are the only one for me?
Love is like a golden chain that links our hearts together and if you ever break that chain youll break my heart 4ever!
sweet as a rose bud bright as a star cute as a kitten thats what u are.bundles of joy sunshine and fun you are everything i luv all rolled into 1
I have liked many but loved very few.yet no-one has been as sweet as u.I’d stand and wait in the worlds longest queue.just for the pleasure of a moment with u.
Sometimes My eyes get jealouse of my Heart!!!You Know Why?Bcoz…..You Always Remain close to my HEART n far from my EYES.uv been called b4 cupids court 4 stealin my heart trespassحin in my dreams & robin me of my senses.uv been sentened 2 a lifetime wiv me- how do u plead?
I love so much my heart is sure.As time goes on I love you more,Your happy smile.Your loving face, no one will ever take your placeBy Ikram Marwat
Ur only mine wen i dream.wen i wake i wanna scream.ur not mine im all alone.i can only text u on my fone.do dreams lie or r dey true-i hope so cos babes i want u!
I believe that God above created u for me to luv.he picked you out from all the rest cos he knew id luv you the best!
Girl ur clever girl ur smart.girl ur like a work of art.girl ur sexy girl ur fine.d only thing u aint is mine!
today a few drops of blood fell down of my heart and when i asked why the response was “There was someone very cruel in yours heat that forced us to come out .
L is for lustO is for overv is for very loveablee is for ever .
I am in hospital now. After 5 minutes, I will be transferred to a surgery room. The doctor told me, I will die if I stop RECEIVING YOUR SMS.
If you fall in river there is a boat .. if you fall in well there is rope .. but if you fall in love there is no hope
If U delete this message thats bcoz u love me. .. If u save it thats bcoz u desire me .. & if u ignore it thats bcoz u miss me. So what u gonna do with It
?Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you believe in love at first sight .. or do I have to walk by againI hope one day you will understand what I’m feeling for you. Right now I just know I don’t want to go on without you.
You broke my heart right from the start,I never let you go. Hold me tonight, CauseI need you
I know i have the choice to stay, but something is pulling me away, i need to go home, before its to late, you made me alive, thats why i will always love you, take this chance to remember the good times, and not to let them die!
I feel like we’re on different planets. We were closer when I was in a different state. Now you don’t know what you want and I’m starting to not even care, what’s happening to us?
In my eyes…The saying that you’re the only one I see. . .That, I believe is a lie.In my eyes, I see a lot of people. . .But throughout that group of people,I only search for you. . .
I want what I can’t have and I want nothing to do with what I do have, no matter how great it is, no matter how much I love you. In the end… none of it matters. Becuase it will never make sense…
The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else .
if i has to choose between loving you, and breathing. I would use my last breath to say I LOVE YOU.There are 12 months a year…30 days a month…7 days a week…24 hours a day…60 minutes an hour…but only one like you in a lifetime.There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning: my alarm clock and you.Great minds contain ideas, solutions and reasons; scientific minds contain formulas, theories and figures; my mind contains only you!Love can be expressed in many ways. One way I know is to send it across the distance to the person who is reading this.If I could change the alphabet, I would put U and I together!Minsan caring is better than loving. Minsan tea is better than coffee. Minsan smile is better than laughter. Pero nobody is better than you.There is night so we can appreciate day, sorrow so we can appreciate joy, evil so we can appreciate good, you so I can appreciate love.You look great today. How did I know? Because you look great everyday.What is love? Those who don’t like it call it responsibility. Those who play with it call it a game. Those who don’t have it call it a dream. Those who understand it call it destiny. And me, I call it you.What is love? It is what makes your cell phone ring every time I send text messages.If love can be avoided by simply closing our eyes, then I wouldn’t blink at all for I don’t want to let a second pass having fallen out of love with you.I used to think that dreams do not come true, but this quickly changed the moment I laid my eyes on you.Press down if you miss me. Talaga? Sweet mo naman. You really miss me huh? Still pressing down. Impressed na ako, ha? Sobrang miss na yan. Well, I miss you too.Some people were born with talents. They can do beautiful things with their skills, knowledge and technology. But no one is as talented as you. You just come near, and there is already beauty.A lady is a woman who makes a man behave like a gentleman. You’re such a lady to me.To forget you is hard to do and to forget me is up to you. Forget me not, forget me never. Forget this text, but not the sender.When situation gets you down, remember there’s Someone in Heaven who loves you and watches over you and there’s someone on Earth who cares… I do.Cell phones can be irritating sometimes. You always have to reload, recharge every now and then. Messages are delayed. But there’s one thing I love about it. It connects me to you!Words begin with ABC. Numbers begin with 123. Music begins with do, re, mi. And friendship begins with you and me!Rain and sunshine do not always come together. Night and day never coincide. But you and I, whatever they say, is for me the perfect match.When I dream, I dream of you…maybe one day, dreams will come true.There is an ocean between us. Forests and mountains keep us apart. I may not be superman, but give me a second and I will fly across countries to send you my love. Have you received it?If, out of time, I could pick one moment and keep it shining, always new, of all the days that I have lived, I’d pick the moment I met you.I’m on a mission to get over you, in other words mission impossible.I wish I’d be a tear in your eye to roll down your cheek and end up with your lips but I never wish you’d be a tear in my eye for I would lose you every time I cry.When it rains, you don’t see the sun, but it’s there. Hope we can be like that. We don’t always see each other, but we will always be there for one another.I may run out of message to text you. I may run out of jokes too. I may also run out of battery or even a peso but my heart won’t run out of space for you!You’ll know that you miss someone very much when every time you think of that person, your heart breaks into pieces and just a quick “Hello” from that person can bring the broken pieces back.Love. All my life I have read about it, dreamt of it, waited for it, cried for it, needed it. Now with you, I have found it.Sherlock Holmes was an idiot and Robert Watt was a fool. One was a detective, the other invented radar. But neither of them ever discovered you. I’m a genius!When the time comes I can’t smile anymore, don’t worry about me, I know what to do. I’ll just stare at one corner and think of you. No one else could make me happy like the way you do.There’s a love that only you can give, a smile that only your lips can show, a twinkle that can only be seen in your eyes, and a life of mine that you alone can complete.Everyone wants to be the sun that lights up your life. But I’d rather be your moon, so I can shine on you during your darkest hour when your sun isn’t around.Ah– I forgot your name. Can I call you mine? And, in case you forget my name too, call me yours!If I had the letters “HRT”, I can add “EA” to get a “HEART” or a “U” and get “HURT”. But I’d rather choose “U” and get “HURT” than have a “HEART” without “U”.You may never see how much I care for you. You may never hear how much I treasure you. You may never feel how much I miss you. Coz only here in my heart can you see them true.There are 4 steps to happiness: 1. you, 2. me, 3. our hearts, 4. together!If kisses were water, I’d give you the ocean. If hugs were leaves, I’d give you a forest. If love were space, I’d give you a galaxy. If friendship were life, I’d give you mine for free.It’s hard to say hello because it might be goodbye. It’s hard to say I’m okay because sometimes I’m not. But it’s easy to say I miss you coz I know that I really do.It’s hard for two people to love each other when they live in two different worlds. But when these two worlds collide and become one, that’s what you call you and I.If you’re feeling lonely and you think there is nobody there to love, support, listen or show they care, just save this message and every time you realize it, it will remind you that a part of me is always there with you.Roses are red, violets are blue. I am waiting to hear from a cute guy like you.They say that as long as there is one person loving you, life isn’t a waste. So if you lose hope and thought that life is not worth living, just remember I’m here.Do you know that men and women are angels created with only one wing? And they need to embrace each other to be able to fly… Hope you can find your angel whom you can fly with forever.They told me I could do anything if I put my mind into it. Yet no matter how hard I try in all that I do, I just can’t take my mind off you.My biggest reward is to see you smile, know you are happy, and feel you are loved. I know life is sometimes cruel, but that’s why I’m here, to show you that life can be good when somebody cares.I always think of you, but I always fail to know the reason why. Is there something else I should know about you? But there is one thing that I know is true. That life will always be sad without you.Hatred infects the mind; love dissolves it. You dissolve my mind.Don’t say you love me unless you really mean it cause I might do something crazy like believe it.I’m afraid to close my eyes coz I might think of you. I’m afraid to open them coz I might see you. I’m afraid to move my lips coz I might speak of you. I’m afraid to listen coz I might hear my heart fall for you.I’m sorry to be smiling every time you’re near. I’m sorry my eyes twinkle whenever you’re here. I’m sorry that cupid has made his hit. I’m sorry I love you, I can’t help it.Caring for someone is easy but making someone care for you is hard. Now I keep wondering how did you make it so easy for me to care for you.Text me when you are sad, text me when you need someone to listen to and you can’t find anyone who will. I don’t care if I’m your last option, I just don’t want you to cry alone.I don’t want to say I miss you, though deep inside I do, coz I’m afraid you might see thru and know how much fear I have of losing someone like you.If love can be avoided simply by closing our eyes, I wouldn’t blink at all for I don’t want to let a second pass having fallen out of love with you.I wish one day you will miss me terribly that no matter how hard you look for me, you won’t find me. Why? Because, I want you to miss me the way I’m missing you right now.If I could be any letter in the alphabet, I’d choose “V” so I can be next to “U”; if you could be any note, I wish you’re “RE” so your always beside “ME”!Whatever you do, I’ll walk with you. Hoping that your every dream would come true. Anytime, anywhere, I’ll always be there. Wishing you love and happiness because I care.The spaces between our fingers were created so that another person’s fingers could fill them in. Hope you’ll find your dream hand to hold you forever.Every part of me wants you, maybe because I was made just for you!When you love someone, draw a circle around their name instead of a heart coz hearts can be broken but circles never end.Nobody tells fish to swim, birds to fly, cows to moo, dogs to bark – they just do. Just like nobody tells me to remember you. I just do!If you were a wound inside my heart, I’d rather leave it there with all the pain locked inside than leave it without a trace of you.Whenever you feel blue, I will be there for you. Whenever you are sad, I will stay by your side. Whenever you need someone to love, I will always be there for you to have.They can recycle paper till it’s as good as new, reproduce cans and jars and old bottles too, but they can never recycle another person as wonderful as you.I hate when you smile at me because you make me crazy about you. I hate when you talk to me because you make me run out of words. I hate you when I see you because you make me love you more.What good is beauty without brains, looks without charm, money without happiness, a smile without feelings, a life without you?To be disturbed by the beep of your phone only means that somehow, somewhere, somebody is thinking of you and at this very moment, that’s me. Take care always.A person you love is an extension of yourself. Without it, you’re not complete so better take care of yourself because I don’t want to lose a part of me.I wish my eyes could speak what my heart feels for you, coz my lips can lie on what is true. My eyes couldn’t coz even if I close them I could still see you.Every time I hear my text tone, I always hope one of them is from you. My cell phone may have limited memory space but my heart has unlimited space for someone like you.I have you! If you hate me, shoot me with an arrow, but please not on the heart coz that’s were you are!Someone asked what makes people happy. Some said wealth and some said fame. I was thinking about this when my cell phone beeped and received a text from you. Then, I smiled and said: “This makes me happy.”You’re like a target that I always try to aim at. How I wish I could aim you at the heart. But every time I fail, I feel so sad. You know why? It’s because I always end up missing you.It was a simple crush, done and over with, then you looked at me.Love is something special, a treasure I want to find… To others, love is blind but for me, its not true, coz when I fell in love…I saw you.I’ll lend you my shoulder for you to cry on, my ears to listen to, my hand for you to hold, my feet to walk with you, but I can’t lend you my heart coz it already belongs to you.Why do birds fall from the sky every time you walk by? Maybe because like me they want to be near you!If I get takot, would you hawak me tight? If I gawa something mali, would you make it right? If I build an apoy, would you bantay the flame? If I sabi I miss u, would you ramdam the same?Do you take me to be your lawfully wedded text mate, in sickness or in health, through metering or not, till low bat do us part?Someone once asked me, “Have you ever fallen in love?” Then I answered, “Of course, once.” Then they asked me another question: “Did it hurt?” I thought of you and told them “Yes, very much”.You must be a thief coz you stole my heart. You must be tired coz you’re always running through my mind. And maybe I’m a bad shooter coz I keep missing you.I asked God for a rose and He gave me a garden. I asked God for a drop of water and He gave me an ocean. I asked God for an angel and He gave me you!I have heard from the phone company, the water company, the electric company, but haven’t heard from you. Too bad, it’s your company I love the most.If someone would ask me what a beautiful life means, I would lean my head on your shoulder and hold you close to me and answer with a smile: “Like this!”If only one star would fall every time I miss you, then all the stars in heaven would be gone. Don’t wonder if there are no stars tonight! It’s your fault coz you made me miss you a lot.Life may sometimes be a rough road to walk on where everything seems wrong. But don’t give up. Just go on coz when you think you’re all alone, look back and you’ll find me walking along.They say as long as at least one person cares for you, life isn’t a waste. So when things go terribly wrong, and you feel like giving up, please remember you still got me.True love is hard to find, special one, one of a kind. I know because it appeared to me on a strange day I met you.I’ve been wondering why you’re not texting… Multiple Choice: a. busy b. dedma c. tired d. thrifty e. want me to miss you.While you gave her flowers, you gave me thorns. While all she did was smile, all I did is mourn. While she was so happy, I felt so blue. Because while you loved her, I was loving you.An angel asked me a reason why I care for you so much. I told her I care for you so much coz there’s no reason not to.First time I saw you, I was scared to touch you. First time I touched you, I was scared to kiss you. First time I kissed you, I was scared to love you. But now that I love you, I’m scared to lose you!If love is a disease then I’m very ill. But I would not want medicine and won’t take any pill. I would instead suffer this illness and be bedridden with joy of knowing you.I will walk with you side by side for only one condition: hide your wings every time we walk together because the whole world might know that you’re my angel!Each of us is an angel with one wing. The only way we could fly is to hold each other and share wings. So if you have trouble flying, I will always share mine with you.I used to think that the world is so unfair, that it gave me so many reasons to hate it. But now, how can I hate such a wonderful world that gave me you?Can I say I love you today? If not, can I ask you again tomorrow? And the day after tomorrow? And the day after that? Coz I’ll be loving you every single day of my life.A day may start or end without a message from me, but believe me it won’t start or end without me thinking of you..See! I just did. Take care.You greeted me hi, I didn’t reply. You gave me a sweet smile, I responded with a sigh. You showed me your love, you received a shrug. But when you bid goodbye I began to cry.if ur askin if id hurt u da ansa is nevaif ur askin if i luv u da ansa is 4eva.if ur askin if i want u da ansa is i do.if ur askin wot i value most da ansa is uif i could die early i would ask God if i could be your guardian angel, so i could wrap my wings around you and embraces you whenever you feel alone…if i die 2nite i go with no regrets if its in ur arms den i kno i was blessed but if ur eyes r the last thing i see den i know the beauty heaven holds for meIf luvs a disease den im very ill.but i dont want medicine i wont take no pill.i will suffer dis illness cos it makes me see exactly how much u mean 2 me!If i were a tear in ur eye i wood roll down onto ur lips.But if u were a tear in my eye i wood never cry as i wood be afraid 2 lose u!If Love & Friendship could be brought or sold as if they were Stocks & Shares.those wise enough to invest in you SEXY would all be millionaires!!!If water was a kiss id send u the sea.if a hug was 1 leaf id send u a tree if luv were forever id send u eternity!If i rote ur name in d sky wind wood blow it away.if i rote ur name in d sea waves wood wash it away.But ur name is engravd in my heart where nothin can touch it!if u love me like u told me please be careful wiv my heart- u can take it jus dont break it or my world will fall appartIf a kiss was a raindrop i’d send u showers.if a hug was a second i’d send u hours.if a smile was water i’d send u a sea.if love was a person i’d send u me!A coin is easy to earn, a friend is hard to find. The coin depreciates but a friend appreciates. I lost a coin when I texted you, but it’s okay because I got you.1st time i saw u i was scared 2 touch u, 1st time i touched u i was scared 2 kiss u, 1st time i kiss u i was scared to luv u, but now dat i luv u im scared 2 lose u!Never rush in love for it never runs out. Let love b d one to knock at your door, so by d time u start to fall, u know that your feeling is for sure.What is love? Those who don’t like it call it responsibility. Those who play with it call it a game. Those who don’t have it call it a dream. Those who understand it call it destiny. And me, I call it You.If only those who knock at d door of my heart will become someone like u, I’ll never have a second thought to open it and say “Come in and you are welcome to stay”.I thank God I’m rich not with money but with people like u. I may not have the most expensive things but I’ve got the most precious gem… a friend like u.If luv s a disease den im very ill, but i dont want medicine, i wont take no pill, i will suffer dis illness coz it makes me see exactly how much u mean 2 me!I prayed for a red bike, God gave me blue. I lost my old cap, He gave me new. I asked for a friend who will always be true. I prayed and prayed, till came you.If u open my heart, guess what you are gonna see? It’s you. True friends are hard to find so I kept you.There are Tulips in my garden, there are Tulips in the park, but nothing is more be beautiful than our two lips meeting in the dark!I believe that God above, created u for me to luv, He picked you out from all the rest, coz He knew id luv you the best!if ur askin if id hurt u,da ansa is neva.if ur askin if i luv u,da ansa is 4eva.if ur askin if i want u,da ansa is i do.if ur askin wot i value most,da ansa is u.Don’t shed tears for someone who hurts u. Don’t feel sorry if u fail when u do your best. U should not be stupid to fall in love for someone who’s stupid enough to fall for someone as special as u.True luv is hard 2 find, special 1, 1 of a kind, but the luv inside of me is true, it appeared d day i met you!An angel asked me a reason why I care for u so much. I told her I care for u some much coz… There’s no reason not to.There are 3 steps to happy happiness, 1 you, 2 me, 3 our hearts 4 eternity!Each friend represents a world in us. A world possibly not born until they arrive. Thanks for making my world complete.y do i txt u? its my choice. its my way of sayng i rmmber u. y do i rmmber u? its my choice. it proves dat i care. y do i care? dnt knw, its not my choice but my heart’s.I admit I’ll never be the perfect friend. I’ll never be there always. I may not make u smile at times but there is one thing I admit I could do. To be the person I could be for you.If i were a tear in ur eye, i wood roll down onto ur lips, But if u were a tear in my eye,i wood never cry as i wood be afraid 2 lose u!Love has its ups and downs, its twists and turns. Love leaves you pain, teaches u until you learn and even if love takes so long, it always takes you to where you belong.If had the letters “HRT”, I can add “EA” to get a “HEART” or a “U” and get “HURT”. But I’d rather choose “U” and get “HURT” than have a “HEART” without “U”.U say u luv me & want 2 hold me tight, those words run thru my head day n nite, i dreamt u held me n made me see, dat 4ever 2gether we wud be!1000 words 1 cud say, 1000 wishes 1 cud pray, 1000 miles legs cud walk, 1000 sounds a mouth cud talk, 1000 times ill b true, 1000 ways 2 say i luv u!If kisses were water, I’d give you d ocean. If hugs were leaves, Id give u a forest. If love were space, Id give u a galaxy, If friendship were life, Id give u mine for free.Ive got urbak n uve got mine, ill help u out anytime, 2 see u hurt, 2 see u cry, makes me weep n wanna die, ill b right here, til d end, coz ur my luv & my best friend.You don’t marry someone you can live with – you marry the person who you cannot live without.what if i said “i like you”, would you text back and say it’s ok? what if i tell you “i miss you”, would you go back and say you’ll stay? how about if i confess that “i love you” would you ever text back?don’t be too good, i might miss you. don’t be too caring, i might like you. don’t be too sweet, i might fall. it’s hard for me to love you when you won’t love me after all.nvr n my lyf hav i knwn sum1 as spcl as u r. 8’s bcoz i can only c u wid my heart…n wat i c is a beautiful prson hu i wont c anywer else bt jst n u.Life is good when somebody cares. Life is uplifting when someone is always there. Life is great when someone would protect you and suffer. Cherish life because God loves you always.When u face problems in life, don’t ask GOD to take them away. Ask Him to show His purpose- ask ways how to live a day searching his purpose for you. GOD BLESS…As the dawn breaks into a beautiful sunrise, may God shower u his blessings of love and lead u always to d right path.Only a fish knows d splendor of the sea. Only a Christian knows d glory of God.May the love of God always shine in your life, as you become a light for others. Have a pleasant day. God bless.I ask God to bless you, to guide you, to keep you safe, to give you peace, to give u joy and love all d time. Take care.Prayer is an open line to Heaven. No cards to use, no low bat problem, no error, no charging, always good signal, and all messages sent. Make prayer a habit like texting.U may not know where life’s road will lead you. But keep moving. God is walking with you.Let Jesus guide you in all your plans, in all your dreams, in all your wish to happen in your life. God bless.Walk w/ d Lord when ur heart needs company. Take His hand when u feel all alone. Turn 2 Him when u need some1 2 lean on. He’s d only 1 u can always rely on.if u have a problem don’t say “hey i have a big problem” rather say “problem… i have a big GOD.”Dont work too hard to give yourself the best of everything, instead make a greater effort to give GOD the best of yourself.“in the ocean of lyf, GOD s our bouyant force, no matter how strong d wind & how gigantic d waves r, we will not sink bcoz we r anchored 2 HIM”“No one is HOPELESS whose HOPE is in GOD”Life cud b so bad. Situation might be so hard but the KNowledge that you have GOD is something that cheers you up.When Life Gets Difficult, When The Tasks Become Tiring, When Your Heart Is Giving Up, Remember That The SNAIL Got To Noah’s ark …. inch by inch! .. good day (“,)“sunrise meks our mornings beutiful, but d words of GOD strengthen us & mek our lives more meaningful”. smile & enjoy life!Love begins w/a smile, grows w/a kiss, ends w/a tear. Wen u wer born, u wer crying & evryone around u was smiling. Live yr life so dat wen u die, u r d 1 smiling & evryone around u is crying.“The bad things in life open your eyes to the good things you weren’t paying attention to before.”“GOD doesnt require u 2 b d best, HE just wants u 2 do ur best & HE will tekker of d rest “.
كل عام وأنتم بخير بمناسبة العام الجديد 2015 وننر لكم صور 2015 على موقع صور فيس بوك وتوجد الكثير من الصور والرسائل الأخرى ولكم رسائل 2015.
رحت للسوق أشتري ساعة غالية .. ما لقيتش أغلى من الساعة إلي شفتك فيها .
أنا أعرفك ! أكيد أعرفك .. بس شوفتك فين ؟ افتكرت .. أنت اللي نص الشهر يملي السما نورك .
أحبك يا أحلى من كل البشر يا توأم الروح و أقـرب من نبضي ودمّي وهواي
ثلاثه تملكها وهي أغلى ما عندي: اشوفك وصوتك ورسايلك لا تحرمني منها رجاءً
لليل هلاله ولقلبي حبيب عذبني دلاله يا ترى اليوم كيف حاله
لو يحرمني الزمن لوقاك فلن يحرمني من ذكراك أحبك و أوعد ما أنساك
استعد لتحليل فصيلة الدم. انتظر. النتيجة في الطريق . اكتشاف خطير. دمك ع.س.ل
خليك جاهز يمكن تنقص الكمية و نحتاج لك المرسل:مصنع العسل و الشوكولاته
أرسل حمامة سلام بفمها وردة غرام من الولهان لاغلى و اعز إنسان
في مساء ساهر مع نجم ساهر أرسل باقة ورد حب عاطر لأغلى من مر على الخاطر
حضنـت حبـك بقلبي وخليت نوره بصدري لأنك عمـري وقلبـي أحبك جدا وربي
عهد .. ابقى سجين الود ..وعد .. مهما يطول البعد … تبقى حبيبي
اموت في ثلاثة .. البحر .. الورد … بشويش ياحبيبي …اكيد انت الثالث
مري ما فكرت فيك .. وما خطر في البال حبك .. دلوقتي قلبي مشتريك .. وعينيا بتقول بحبك .
اضحك لان العمر فاني .. ابتسم إياك تنساني .. اضحك لان الهنا لحظة .. ابتسم يا سئيل عشاني .
لو كنت لوحدك أنا تانيك .. ولو متضايق أنا أسليك .. ولو مبسوط الله يهنيك .
قهوتي أنت سكرها .. وزعلي أنت رضاه .. ومرضي أنت دواه .. ونظرتك عمري فداها .
خليك جنبي قريب .. لو حصل شي بيننا .. عن حياتي مش تغيب .
رحت للمول أشتري ساعة غالية .. ما لقيتش أغلى من الساعة إلي شفتك فيها .
مشتاق أتكلم معاك .. وأحس لحظة بهواك .. من كتر ما أقول غالي .. زاد بغيابك حلاك .
أنا أعرفك ! أكيد أعرفك .. بس شوفتك فين ؟ افتكرت .. أنت اللي نص الشهر يملي السما نورك .
العمر زهرة .. والحياة فترة .. والحب مرة .. افتكرني لو كنت أستحق الذكرى .
مطلوب في قسم شرطة الحب .. بتهمة سرقة قلبي .. ومش هاتطلع إلا بكفالة قدرها (5000) بوسه.
بعيشلك .. وعشانك .. وبحبك أكتر من أهلك .. ولو مش مصدقني أسأل قلبي .لو سنين عمري تضيع .. والزهور تنسى الربيع .. مش هنساك ابدا .
قلبي وأنا أدرى به .. بيحبك وهيمان فيك .. تبي الحقيقة .. كل كلي يحبك ويموت فيك .
كلمة أحبك وساندوتش وصاية منك كفاية .. .
أهديك شيك بمليون بوسة .. أصرفه من بنك حبي .. شارع فكري .. الدور الأول من قلبي .
أرسلت شمعة تنور لك .. رجعت لي زعلانه !! قلت لها ليه ؟؟ قالت كيف ترسلني لقمر من نور .
تمنيت أكون دمعه .. حتى أولد في عينيك .. وأعيش على خديك .. وأموت عند شفتيك .
لو عرف النحل طعم شفتيك .. لترك العسل وذهب إليك .
لو جمعت أيام عمري من فرح .. ما تساويش لحظة من وقتي معك .
إن هزك الشوق يوما فلم تراني .. فهذه الرسالة تنوب عن لساني .. أحبك .
إنت ممكن لما تنام تترك الدنيا وراك
بس أنا لما أنام بيبتدى حلمى معاك
يا بخت المكان بيك .. يا بخت اللي حواليك ..
يا بخت ناس تشوفك .. وانا مشتاق ليك
اهديك وردتين .. وردة حمرا تقول أحبك
ووردة صفرا تقول بغير عليك
*أحدث رسائل عيد الحب 2015 عراقية*
ريته اليطيح ابضيج كون اخوه وياه .. اوكل مايقول احاه كلها اتلــــــــــقاه
ينتل حبيب الروح تيارة عالي شما تكثر النتلات يبقى اغلى غالي
ضلمة وتدور اعليك روحي شجاها متولعة بيك اسنين خلها بهواها
ابيع الكون وأشتريك .. من حنان القلب اعطيك .. ياترىيرضيك حبيبي .. عشان أرضيك؟
أهجر الدنيا وأجيك .. وأخليها على شانك .. منواللي يستاهل .. ياخذ مكانك .. ياعمري
كيف أناديك عمري والعمر فاني .. إنت غير الناس عندي .. ولك غلا ولا لك ثاني
حبيبي نايم بالعسل وكلبي محتركه نااره ..ترى عمري خمس سنتات متبني عماره
دمعي علي الخد سايل .. مشتاق وحظي مايل .. أكتب بالقلم السايل .. أحبك بكل الوسايل
جاوبني هسه بساع ونطيني رأيك بعدك تعزني هواي لو خبط مايك…تحياتي الى حبيبتي المجهوله
مشكلتي صعبه اصبحت ماعندي كل احلول فركاك صار مرض بيه راح انتحر حبيبي شتكول
لاتزعل وتحتار لو غبنا عنك كل الادلة اتكول ماكو اغلى منك
*أجدد رسائل عيد الحب 2015 مسجات تهنئة فالنتين اردنية*
انت مو كبير بس جبل مو جميل بس قمر مو حلو بس عسل هذا إعجاب مو غزل..
آه لو تدري بشوقي في غيابك كيف زاد . . انت لو شوقك اللي مدينه. . أنا شوقي لعيونك بلاد
الورد يذبل لو طال الأمد .. و الجمر يطفي و يتحول رمد .. و غلاك في قلبي يبقى للأبد
شبهتك بالقهوه .. حلوه متل وجهك .. تقيله متل عقلك .. خفيفه متل ظلك .. مره متل بُعدك
القمر حلو لكنه عالي .. و الذهب حلو لكنه غالي .. وانت احلى منهم لأنك دايماً على بالي
فضحني دمعي البارح وانا في حبكم سارح
حُبي لك ما هو رساله بالجوال .. ولا هي كلمه وتنقال.. حبي لك زلزال يهز جبال.!!
اختار الاجابه: أنا وانت: – 1- حبايب للأبد .. 2 – روحين في جسد .. 3 – ما نتفارق ابد
لك كل كلي ولي بعض كلك .. بدي كل كلك ولك مني كلي وكل كلي يفدي كلك يا بعد كلك
اشتاقلك شوقن له الشوق يشتاق شوقن يشوق شايق الشوق شوقه .. وسلامتك
ما وجه الشبه بينك وبين الدم؟؟؟؟ اتنينكم تدخلون القلب بس انت ما تطلع
تشتاقلك الجنه و نهرها .. ويشتاقلك رب خلقها.. وتشتاقلك أحباب دوم انت بئلبها .
*أروع رسائل عيد الحب 2015 بلهجة جزائرية دارجة*
حبيت نبعتلك بوسة مع أحلى عصفور بص يا روحي خفت عليك من أنفلونزا الطيور
يا نجمات الليل روحي ليه وعلى جبينو بوسيه وقوليلو راني راقدة نحلم بيه وما نتهنى غير النهار ليجيني فيه
من وحشك عييت ومن غيابك سوفريت ومن صبري مليت نطلب من ربي يحميك حتى يلاقيني بيك
يا قمر الليل روح عند حبيبي (…) زوريه وفي طريق السلامة احميه حتى يرجع لحبيبتو ولماليه
توحشت صوتك لحنين توحشت كلامك لبنين توحشت نظرة عينيك المزيانين قولي أنت وين في قلبي وفي عقلي ولا فيهم لتنين
نبعتلك دعوة تحميك ومحبة تهنيك وعقلي ما يسمح فيك وحضن يدفيك وقلبي يفرط في كنوز الدنيا وما يفرط فيك
حبيتك بكل كياني نقولها بقلبي ولساني عطيتك كل حياتي ونقتلك كون تنساني
ألف ضحكة تملي أيامك وألف فرحة تنور أحلامك وألف وردة تزين الطريق قدامك بألف كلمة من قلبي تقلك نموت عليك
*احدث رسائل عيد الحب 2015 مغربية*
مســا الخيــر علـيـك و عليــنا
مســا النور و الكـلمــة الحنيـنا
مســا النجوم ليمضــويا لياليـنا
واش حنا في البال ولا نسيتينا
ايـوا نعل الشيطان و سول فينـا
درت التحاليل على قلــبي
اشمــــن الـــم حسيـــتو
لقيت حبك هنا فيه بغـــيتو
سولنـــي الطبـيـب علـيـك
قلـــت لـــيـــه حبـــيـــتـــو
عـــطـــانــي دوا كبـــيـتو
نصحني باش نساك سبيتو
عـــلـــى تغـــاريـــد الطيـــور
ورحـــيـــق الـــزهـــور
و أشعة الشمس الي كلها نور
نقوليك صـــباح كـــل عــطـــور
وبـــصـــحـــا الفـــطــــــور
وخــــــا الشمـس تنســـا طـــلـــع
وخــــــا مـــومـــو انســـا ا رضـــع
وخــــــا الفـــنـــان انســـا ا بــــدع
وخــــــا العـــبـــد انســـا ا ركـــــع
منسـاش نقوليك صبـــاح الخـــيـــر
وخــــــا روحـــي طـــلـــع
*مسجات عيد الحب 2015 باللغة الفرنسية*
tu es rechercher par la police
d’amour accusée d’avoir vole
mon coeur tu ne sera libére
q’aprés paye une amende
de 10000 bisous
j’ai tout sauf toi
donc je n’ai rien
car tu es tout
pour moi
le ciel est triste,
les oiseaux pleurent,
les fleures sont deçues
… sais tu pourquoi?
parce qu’il n’y a pas de soleil
…allez fais leur plaiser: lève toi!
les vagues de la mére
les étoiles de la nuit
les anges du paradis
son tous réunis entour toi
pour te souhaiter “bonne nuit”
* أحلى رسائل عيد الحب ٢٠١٤ سعودية خليجية*
حبيبي إذا مر يوم وماشتفك أناظر في الخيال رسمك كأنك جيت وناظرتك .
يأتي الليل يسألني مالي أراك تسهرني فأجيب انتظر حبيب يحن فيراسلني .
أهدي لك سلام ماينعد وباقة ورد وبوسة خد وانا انتظر منك رد ؟ .
تعال المحكمة بسرعة بسرعة لا تتأخر بسرعة ابغي أسجل قلبي باسمك .
لا تظن أن هذا صوت موبايلك ينبهـك لرسالة هذي صرخة فـؤادي تقول مشتاق لك .
اللي يحبك صعب يقدر يخليك حظك عطاك إنسان بالحيل يغليك .
إن كان غيري كاتب غلاك بسطور تراني نقشته بذهب ما تمحيه بحور
ادري يا حبيبي وقتي لك دايم قليل حيل أنا مقصر وقلبي عنك انت مايميل .
اهديلك العمر واعتذر برخص الهدية قدر سما فوق السما ولك نجومها عطيه .
لك يا أغلى من ذاتي سلامي مع تحياتي إذا كان الشوق غلطه انت أحلى غلطاتي .
أسمعك تمشي وسط قلبي وأناجيك والناس تحسب مشيك دق قلبي .
إن قلت احبك قليلة في حقك وإن قلت أموت فيك ما عطيتك كل حقك أنا كلي لك .
أماتني الحب عشاقا وحبك أنت أحياني ولو خيرت في وطن لـقـلت هواك أوطاني .
لو جبت اكبر ميزان في الكون ما راح تقدر توزن وتعرف كثر حبي آلك ياحلو .
أنا جربت نفسي يوم أعيش من دونك لقيت القلب ما يسلى بعد ماصار مجنونك .
ذكراك في قلبي على مر الأزمان واسمك نقشته في داخلي ما أجمل حروفه .
ودي أكون لك أقرب من الرمش للعين وأكون أنا عينك وأملك نظرها .
لمحة زعل من عيونك تموتني بلا عله وبسمة رضا من شفاتك تعيشني العمر كله .
حبيت أعلمك إنك: أجمل حلم لقيته وأحلى صدر ضميته وأغلى حب في قلبي حطيته .
كلك مشاعر صادقه و رسائل حب رايقه وحبك دفا روحي فدا وفيك المحبه لايقه .
لو أتكلم عنك مافي قلبي بأوراقي تشتكي كلمات الحب وأوراقي تمل منها .
لا تستحي قل : أحبك تعبت أسماعي أرجوك يا صاحبي لا تستحي قلها .
مهما تغيب أشتاق لك ومهما تصد أحتاجلك أنت ياعمري دنيتي مهما تسوي عاذرك .
أنت عيني كان لي بالحب عين انت روحي وصمتي وبوحي انت وحدك من يضم جروحي .
وشلون أبحب غيرك و أنت تدري بي لاقالوا أسمك أشوف الموت وأحيابك .
أتمنى أحضنك ويتوقف العالم سنين وتحس بحضني وشوقي والحنين .
يا طير زف التحيه والفين بوسه هديه لمن فوادي يعزه من قلب مخلص النيه .
*أجمل رسائل ومسجات وكلمات تهنئة بعيد الحب 2015 باللغة الانجليزية *
If Your asking if I’ll Leave U the answer is NeverIf Your asking what I value the Answer is Uif Your asking if I love U the answer is I do.If I reached for your hand , will u hold it ?If I hold out my arms, will u hug me ?If I go for your lips, will u kiss me
If I capture ur heart , will u love me
If a kiss was a raindrop i’d send u showers.If a hug was a second i’d send u hours.If a smile was water i’d send u a sea.If love was a person i’d send u me…..Love is blind .. Be very kind .. When I kiss you …Please don’t mindAll I wanted was sum1 2 care 4 meAll I wanted was sum1 who’d b there 4 meAll I ever wanted was sum1 who’d b trueAll I ever wanted was sum1 like U…God is wise when he did not put a price tag on you darling. If he did,I won’t be able to afford to have a boyfriend (girlfriend) as precious as you.I miss the laughs I used to get from you, I miss the talks we used tohave. And above all, I just miss YOU!Let`s share the world.A sea is for you, and waves are for me.The sky is for you, and stars are for me.The sun is for you, and light is for me.Everything is for you, and you are for me…Every time i miss you, a star falls.So if you ever look up at the sky and the stars are gone,its because you made me miss you too much!3 – 2 = one heart praying 4 you1 + 1= two eyes looking for you3+2= five sensesmissing you.4+3= seven days in a week i desire you.7+5= 12months asking god to bless youIf Your asking if I Need U the answer is 4EverThe sad in apart,The hope in tomorrow,The joy in my heart.Hearts could only luv 4 a while u can put many relations in a file, u can make a desert from the Nile, but u can’t stop my smile when I c ur name on my phone. You put the fun in togetherI am in hospital now. After 5 minutes, I will be transferred to a surgery room. The doctor told me, I will die if I stop RECEIVING YOUR SMS.
If you fall in river there is a boat .. if you fall in well there is rope .. but if you fall in love there is no hope
If U delete this message thats bcoz u love me. .. If u save it thats bcoz u desire me .. & if u ignore it thats bcoz u miss me. So what u gonna do with It?
Do you believe in love at first sightDo you believe in love at first sight .. or do I have to walk by again??
Love is sweet poison: .. Do not consume without your beloved’s advise .. and keep out of reach of children .. and keep it in cool and dark place.
You are like the sunshine so warm, you are like sugar, so sweet… you are like you… and that’s the reason why I love you!
If you love someone, put their name in a circle, instead of a heart, because hearts can break, but circles go on forever
L O V E .. L = Lake of Sorrows .. O = Ocean of Tears .. V = Valley of Death .. E = End of life….
You must be a good runner because you are always running in my mind, you must be a good thief because you have stolen my heart, and i am always a bad shooter because I Miss You Always…
I have the “I”,I have the “L”,I have the “O”,I have the “V”,I have the“E”,… so pls can I have “U”?
What I feel for you,is really true. You got to know,I need you so. When you are gone,I can’t go on. Can’t you see, that you are the only one for me?
Love is like a golden chain that links our hearts together and if you ever break that chain youll break my heart 4ever!
sweet as a rose bud bright as a star cute as a kitten thats what u are.bundles of joy sunshine and fun you are everything i luv all rolled into 1
I have liked many but loved very few.yet no-one has been as sweet as u.I’d stand and wait in the worlds longest queue.just for the pleasure of a moment with u.
Sometimes My eyes get jealouse of my Heart!!!You Know Why?Bcoz…..You Always Remain close to my HEART n far from my EYES.uv been called b4 cupids court 4 stealin my heart trespassحin in my dreams & robin me of my senses.uv been sentened 2 a lifetime wiv me- how do u plead?
I love so much my heart is sure.As time goes on I love you more,Your happy smile.Your loving face, no one will ever take your placeBy Ikram Marwat
Ur only mine wen i dream.wen i wake i wanna scream.ur not mine im all alone.i can only text u on my fone.do dreams lie or r dey true-i hope so cos babes i want u!
I believe that God above created u for me to luv.he picked you out from all the rest cos he knew id luv you the best!
Girl ur clever girl ur smart.girl ur like a work of art.girl ur sexy girl ur fine.d only thing u aint is mine!
today a few drops of blood fell down of my heart and when i asked why the response was “There was someone very cruel in yours heat that forced us to come out .
L is for lustO is for overv is for very loveablee is for ever .
I am in hospital now. After 5 minutes, I will be transferred to a surgery room. The doctor told me, I will die if I stop RECEIVING YOUR SMS.
If you fall in river there is a boat .. if you fall in well there is rope .. but if you fall in love there is no hope
If U delete this message thats bcoz u love me. .. If u save it thats bcoz u desire me .. & if u ignore it thats bcoz u miss me. So what u gonna do with It
?Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you believe in love at first sight .. or do I have to walk by againI hope one day you will understand what I’m feeling for you. Right now I just know I don’t want to go on without you.
You broke my heart right from the start,I never let you go. Hold me tonight, CauseI need you
I know i have the choice to stay, but something is pulling me away, i need to go home, before its to late, you made me alive, thats why i will always love you, take this chance to remember the good times, and not to let them die!
I feel like we’re on different planets. We were closer when I was in a different state. Now you don’t know what you want and I’m starting to not even care, what’s happening to us?
In my eyes…The saying that you’re the only one I see. . .That, I believe is a lie.In my eyes, I see a lot of people. . .But throughout that group of people,I only search for you. . .
I want what I can’t have and I want nothing to do with what I do have, no matter how great it is, no matter how much I love you. In the end… none of it matters. Becuase it will never make sense…
The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else .
if i has to choose between loving you, and breathing. I would use my last breath to say I LOVE YOU.There are 12 months a year…30 days a month…7 days a week…24 hours a day…60 minutes an hour…but only one like you in a lifetime.There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning: my alarm clock and you.Great minds contain ideas, solutions and reasons; scientific minds contain formulas, theories and figures; my mind contains only you!Love can be expressed in many ways. One way I know is to send it across the distance to the person who is reading this.If I could change the alphabet, I would put U and I together!Minsan caring is better than loving. Minsan tea is better than coffee. Minsan smile is better than laughter. Pero nobody is better than you.There is night so we can appreciate day, sorrow so we can appreciate joy, evil so we can appreciate good, you so I can appreciate love.You look great today. How did I know? Because you look great everyday.What is love? Those who don’t like it call it responsibility. Those who play with it call it a game. Those who don’t have it call it a dream. Those who understand it call it destiny. And me, I call it you.What is love? It is what makes your cell phone ring every time I send text messages.If love can be avoided by simply closing our eyes, then I wouldn’t blink at all for I don’t want to let a second pass having fallen out of love with you.I used to think that dreams do not come true, but this quickly changed the moment I laid my eyes on you.Press down if you miss me. Talaga? Sweet mo naman. You really miss me huh? Still pressing down. Impressed na ako, ha? Sobrang miss na yan. Well, I miss you too.Some people were born with talents. They can do beautiful things with their skills, knowledge and technology. But no one is as talented as you. You just come near, and there is already beauty.A lady is a woman who makes a man behave like a gentleman. You’re such a lady to me.To forget you is hard to do and to forget me is up to you. Forget me not, forget me never. Forget this text, but not the sender.When situation gets you down, remember there’s Someone in Heaven who loves you and watches over you and there’s someone on Earth who cares… I do.Cell phones can be irritating sometimes. You always have to reload, recharge every now and then. Messages are delayed. But there’s one thing I love about it. It connects me to you!Words begin with ABC. Numbers begin with 123. Music begins with do, re, mi. And friendship begins with you and me!Rain and sunshine do not always come together. Night and day never coincide. But you and I, whatever they say, is for me the perfect match.When I dream, I dream of you…maybe one day, dreams will come true.There is an ocean between us. Forests and mountains keep us apart. I may not be superman, but give me a second and I will fly across countries to send you my love. Have you received it?If, out of time, I could pick one moment and keep it shining, always new, of all the days that I have lived, I’d pick the moment I met you.I’m on a mission to get over you, in other words mission impossible.I wish I’d be a tear in your eye to roll down your cheek and end up with your lips but I never wish you’d be a tear in my eye for I would lose you every time I cry.When it rains, you don’t see the sun, but it’s there. Hope we can be like that. We don’t always see each other, but we will always be there for one another.I may run out of message to text you. I may run out of jokes too. I may also run out of battery or even a peso but my heart won’t run out of space for you!You’ll know that you miss someone very much when every time you think of that person, your heart breaks into pieces and just a quick “Hello” from that person can bring the broken pieces back.Love. All my life I have read about it, dreamt of it, waited for it, cried for it, needed it. Now with you, I have found it.Sherlock Holmes was an idiot and Robert Watt was a fool. One was a detective, the other invented radar. But neither of them ever discovered you. I’m a genius!When the time comes I can’t smile anymore, don’t worry about me, I know what to do. I’ll just stare at one corner and think of you. No one else could make me happy like the way you do.There’s a love that only you can give, a smile that only your lips can show, a twinkle that can only be seen in your eyes, and a life of mine that you alone can complete.Everyone wants to be the sun that lights up your life. But I’d rather be your moon, so I can shine on you during your darkest hour when your sun isn’t around.Ah– I forgot your name. Can I call you mine? And, in case you forget my name too, call me yours!If I had the letters “HRT”, I can add “EA” to get a “HEART” or a “U” and get “HURT”. But I’d rather choose “U” and get “HURT” than have a “HEART” without “U”.You may never see how much I care for you. You may never hear how much I treasure you. You may never feel how much I miss you. Coz only here in my heart can you see them true.There are 4 steps to happiness: 1. you, 2. me, 3. our hearts, 4. together!If kisses were water, I’d give you the ocean. If hugs were leaves, I’d give you a forest. If love were space, I’d give you a galaxy. If friendship were life, I’d give you mine for free.It’s hard to say hello because it might be goodbye. It’s hard to say I’m okay because sometimes I’m not. But it’s easy to say I miss you coz I know that I really do.It’s hard for two people to love each other when they live in two different worlds. But when these two worlds collide and become one, that’s what you call you and I.If you’re feeling lonely and you think there is nobody there to love, support, listen or show they care, just save this message and every time you realize it, it will remind you that a part of me is always there with you.Roses are red, violets are blue. I am waiting to hear from a cute guy like you.They say that as long as there is one person loving you, life isn’t a waste. So if you lose hope and thought that life is not worth living, just remember I’m here.Do you know that men and women are angels created with only one wing? And they need to embrace each other to be able to fly… Hope you can find your angel whom you can fly with forever.They told me I could do anything if I put my mind into it. Yet no matter how hard I try in all that I do, I just can’t take my mind off you.My biggest reward is to see you smile, know you are happy, and feel you are loved. I know life is sometimes cruel, but that’s why I’m here, to show you that life can be good when somebody cares.I always think of you, but I always fail to know the reason why. Is there something else I should know about you? But there is one thing that I know is true. That life will always be sad without you.Hatred infects the mind; love dissolves it. You dissolve my mind.Don’t say you love me unless you really mean it cause I might do something crazy like believe it.I’m afraid to close my eyes coz I might think of you. I’m afraid to open them coz I might see you. I’m afraid to move my lips coz I might speak of you. I’m afraid to listen coz I might hear my heart fall for you.I’m sorry to be smiling every time you’re near. I’m sorry my eyes twinkle whenever you’re here. I’m sorry that cupid has made his hit. I’m sorry I love you, I can’t help it.Caring for someone is easy but making someone care for you is hard. Now I keep wondering how did you make it so easy for me to care for you.Text me when you are sad, text me when you need someone to listen to and you can’t find anyone who will. I don’t care if I’m your last option, I just don’t want you to cry alone.I don’t want to say I miss you, though deep inside I do, coz I’m afraid you might see thru and know how much fear I have of losing someone like you.If love can be avoided simply by closing our eyes, I wouldn’t blink at all for I don’t want to let a second pass having fallen out of love with you.I wish one day you will miss me terribly that no matter how hard you look for me, you won’t find me. Why? Because, I want you to miss me the way I’m missing you right now.If I could be any letter in the alphabet, I’d choose “V” so I can be next to “U”; if you could be any note, I wish you’re “RE” so your always beside “ME”!Whatever you do, I’ll walk with you. Hoping that your every dream would come true. Anytime, anywhere, I’ll always be there. Wishing you love and happiness because I care.The spaces between our fingers were created so that another person’s fingers could fill them in. Hope you’ll find your dream hand to hold you forever.Every part of me wants you, maybe because I was made just for you!When you love someone, draw a circle around their name instead of a heart coz hearts can be broken but circles never end.Nobody tells fish to swim, birds to fly, cows to moo, dogs to bark – they just do. Just like nobody tells me to remember you. I just do!If you were a wound inside my heart, I’d rather leave it there with all the pain locked inside than leave it without a trace of you.Whenever you feel blue, I will be there for you. Whenever you are sad, I will stay by your side. Whenever you need someone to love, I will always be there for you to have.They can recycle paper till it’s as good as new, reproduce cans and jars and old bottles too, but they can never recycle another person as wonderful as you.I hate when you smile at me because you make me crazy about you. I hate when you talk to me because you make me run out of words. I hate you when I see you because you make me love you more.What good is beauty without brains, looks without charm, money without happiness, a smile without feelings, a life without you?To be disturbed by the beep of your phone only means that somehow, somewhere, somebody is thinking of you and at this very moment, that’s me. Take care always.A person you love is an extension of yourself. Without it, you’re not complete so better take care of yourself because I don’t want to lose a part of me.I wish my eyes could speak what my heart feels for you, coz my lips can lie on what is true. My eyes couldn’t coz even if I close them I could still see you.Every time I hear my text tone, I always hope one of them is from you. My cell phone may have limited memory space but my heart has unlimited space for someone like you.I have you! If you hate me, shoot me with an arrow, but please not on the heart coz that’s were you are!Someone asked what makes people happy. Some said wealth and some said fame. I was thinking about this when my cell phone beeped and received a text from you. Then, I smiled and said: “This makes me happy.”You’re like a target that I always try to aim at. How I wish I could aim you at the heart. But every time I fail, I feel so sad. You know why? It’s because I always end up missing you.It was a simple crush, done and over with, then you looked at me.Love is something special, a treasure I want to find… To others, love is blind but for me, its not true, coz when I fell in love…I saw you.I’ll lend you my shoulder for you to cry on, my ears to listen to, my hand for you to hold, my feet to walk with you, but I can’t lend you my heart coz it already belongs to you.Why do birds fall from the sky every time you walk by? Maybe because like me they want to be near you!If I get takot, would you hawak me tight? If I gawa something mali, would you make it right? If I build an apoy, would you bantay the flame? If I sabi I miss u, would you ramdam the same?Do you take me to be your lawfully wedded text mate, in sickness or in health, through metering or not, till low bat do us part?Someone once asked me, “Have you ever fallen in love?” Then I answered, “Of course, once.” Then they asked me another question: “Did it hurt?” I thought of you and told them “Yes, very much”.You must be a thief coz you stole my heart. You must be tired coz you’re always running through my mind. And maybe I’m a bad shooter coz I keep missing you.I asked God for a rose and He gave me a garden. I asked God for a drop of water and He gave me an ocean. I asked God for an angel and He gave me you!I have heard from the phone company, the water company, the electric company, but haven’t heard from you. Too bad, it’s your company I love the most.If someone would ask me what a beautiful life means, I would lean my head on your shoulder and hold you close to me and answer with a smile: “Like this!”If only one star would fall every time I miss you, then all the stars in heaven would be gone. Don’t wonder if there are no stars tonight! It’s your fault coz you made me miss you a lot.Life may sometimes be a rough road to walk on where everything seems wrong. But don’t give up. Just go on coz when you think you’re all alone, look back and you’ll find me walking along.They say as long as at least one person cares for you, life isn’t a waste. So when things go terribly wrong, and you feel like giving up, please remember you still got me.True love is hard to find, special one, one of a kind. I know because it appeared to me on a strange day I met you.I’ve been wondering why you’re not texting… Multiple Choice: a. busy b. dedma c. tired d. thrifty e. want me to miss you.While you gave her flowers, you gave me thorns. While all she did was smile, all I did is mourn. While she was so happy, I felt so blue. Because while you loved her, I was loving you.An angel asked me a reason why I care for you so much. I told her I care for you so much coz there’s no reason not to.First time I saw you, I was scared to touch you. First time I touched you, I was scared to kiss you. First time I kissed you, I was scared to love you. But now that I love you, I’m scared to lose you!If love is a disease then I’m very ill. But I would not want medicine and won’t take any pill. I would instead suffer this illness and be bedridden with joy of knowing you.I will walk with you side by side for only one condition: hide your wings every time we walk together because the whole world might know that you’re my angel!Each of us is an angel with one wing. The only way we could fly is to hold each other and share wings. So if you have trouble flying, I will always share mine with you.I used to think that the world is so unfair, that it gave me so many reasons to hate it. But now, how can I hate such a wonderful world that gave me you?Can I say I love you today? If not, can I ask you again tomorrow? And the day after tomorrow? And the day after that? Coz I’ll be loving you every single day of my life.A day may start or end without a message from me, but believe me it won’t start or end without me thinking of you..See! I just did. Take care.You greeted me hi, I didn’t reply. You gave me a sweet smile, I responded with a sigh. You showed me your love, you received a shrug. But when you bid goodbye I began to cry.if ur askin if id hurt u da ansa is nevaif ur askin if i luv u da ansa is 4eva.if ur askin if i want u da ansa is i do.if ur askin wot i value most da ansa is uif i could die early i would ask God if i could be your guardian angel, so i could wrap my wings around you and embraces you whenever you feel alone…if i die 2nite i go with no regrets if its in ur arms den i kno i was blessed but if ur eyes r the last thing i see den i know the beauty heaven holds for meIf luvs a disease den im very ill.but i dont want medicine i wont take no pill.i will suffer dis illness cos it makes me see exactly how much u mean 2 me!If i were a tear in ur eye i wood roll down onto ur lips.But if u were a tear in my eye i wood never cry as i wood be afraid 2 lose u!If Love & Friendship could be brought or sold as if they were Stocks & Shares.those wise enough to invest in you SEXY would all be millionaires!!!If water was a kiss id send u the sea.if a hug was 1 leaf id send u a tree if luv were forever id send u eternity!If i rote ur name in d sky wind wood blow it away.if i rote ur name in d sea waves wood wash it away.But ur name is engravd in my heart where nothin can touch it!if u love me like u told me please be careful wiv my heart- u can take it jus dont break it or my world will fall appartIf a kiss was a raindrop i’d send u showers.if a hug was a second i’d send u hours.if a smile was water i’d send u a sea.if love was a person i’d send u me!A coin is easy to earn, a friend is hard to find. The coin depreciates but a friend appreciates. I lost a coin when I texted you, but it’s okay because I got you.1st time i saw u i was scared 2 touch u, 1st time i touched u i was scared 2 kiss u, 1st time i kiss u i was scared to luv u, but now dat i luv u im scared 2 lose u!Never rush in love for it never runs out. Let love b d one to knock at your door, so by d time u start to fall, u know that your feeling is for sure.What is love? Those who don’t like it call it responsibility. Those who play with it call it a game. Those who don’t have it call it a dream. Those who understand it call it destiny. And me, I call it You.If only those who knock at d door of my heart will become someone like u, I’ll never have a second thought to open it and say “Come in and you are welcome to stay”.I thank God I’m rich not with money but with people like u. I may not have the most expensive things but I’ve got the most precious gem… a friend like u.If luv s a disease den im very ill, but i dont want medicine, i wont take no pill, i will suffer dis illness coz it makes me see exactly how much u mean 2 me!I prayed for a red bike, God gave me blue. I lost my old cap, He gave me new. I asked for a friend who will always be true. I prayed and prayed, till came you.If u open my heart, guess what you are gonna see? It’s you. True friends are hard to find so I kept you.There are Tulips in my garden, there are Tulips in the park, but nothing is more be beautiful than our two lips meeting in the dark!I believe that God above, created u for me to luv, He picked you out from all the rest, coz He knew id luv you the best!if ur askin if id hurt u,da ansa is neva.if ur askin if i luv u,da ansa is 4eva.if ur askin if i want u,da ansa is i do.if ur askin wot i value most,da ansa is u.Don’t shed tears for someone who hurts u. Don’t feel sorry if u fail when u do your best. U should not be stupid to fall in love for someone who’s stupid enough to fall for someone as special as u.True luv is hard 2 find, special 1, 1 of a kind, but the luv inside of me is true, it appeared d day i met you!An angel asked me a reason why I care for u so much. I told her I care for u some much coz… There’s no reason not to.There are 3 steps to happy happiness, 1 you, 2 me, 3 our hearts 4 eternity!Each friend represents a world in us. A world possibly not born until they arrive. Thanks for making my world complete.y do i txt u? its my choice. its my way of sayng i rmmber u. y do i rmmber u? its my choice. it proves dat i care. y do i care? dnt knw, its not my choice but my heart’s.I admit I’ll never be the perfect friend. I’ll never be there always. I may not make u smile at times but there is one thing I admit I could do. To be the person I could be for you.If i were a tear in ur eye, i wood roll down onto ur lips, But if u were a tear in my eye,i wood never cry as i wood be afraid 2 lose u!Love has its ups and downs, its twists and turns. Love leaves you pain, teaches u until you learn and even if love takes so long, it always takes you to where you belong.If had the letters “HRT”, I can add “EA” to get a “HEART” or a “U” and get “HURT”. But I’d rather choose “U” and get “HURT” than have a “HEART” without “U”.U say u luv me & want 2 hold me tight, those words run thru my head day n nite, i dreamt u held me n made me see, dat 4ever 2gether we wud be!1000 words 1 cud say, 1000 wishes 1 cud pray, 1000 miles legs cud walk, 1000 sounds a mouth cud talk, 1000 times ill b true, 1000 ways 2 say i luv u!If kisses were water, I’d give you d ocean. If hugs were leaves, Id give u a forest. If love were space, Id give u a galaxy, If friendship were life, Id give u mine for free.Ive got urbak n uve got mine, ill help u out anytime, 2 see u hurt, 2 see u cry, makes me weep n wanna die, ill b right here, til d end, coz ur my luv & my best friend.You don’t marry someone you can live with – you marry the person who you cannot live without.what if i said “i like you”, would you text back and say it’s ok? what if i tell you “i miss you”, would you go back and say you’ll stay? how about if i confess that “i love you” would you ever text back?don’t be too good, i might miss you. don’t be too caring, i might like you. don’t be too sweet, i might fall. it’s hard for me to love you when you won’t love me after all.nvr n my lyf hav i knwn sum1 as spcl as u r. 8’s bcoz i can only c u wid my heart…n wat i c is a beautiful prson hu i wont c anywer else bt jst n u.Life is good when somebody cares. Life is uplifting when someone is always there. Life is great when someone would protect you and suffer. Cherish life because God loves you always.When u face problems in life, don’t ask GOD to take them away. Ask Him to show His purpose- ask ways how to live a day searching his purpose for you. GOD BLESS…As the dawn breaks into a beautiful sunrise, may God shower u his blessings of love and lead u always to d right path.Only a fish knows d splendor of the sea. Only a Christian knows d glory of God.May the love of God always shine in your life, as you become a light for others. Have a pleasant day. God bless.I ask God to bless you, to guide you, to keep you safe, to give you peace, to give u joy and love all d time. Take care.Prayer is an open line to Heaven. No cards to use, no low bat problem, no error, no charging, always good signal, and all messages sent. Make prayer a habit like texting.U may not know where life’s road will lead you. But keep moving. God is walking with you.Let Jesus guide you in all your plans, in all your dreams, in all your wish to happen in your life. God bless.Walk w/ d Lord when ur heart needs company. Take His hand when u feel all alone. Turn 2 Him when u need some1 2 lean on. He’s d only 1 u can always rely on.if u have a problem don’t say “hey i have a big problem” rather say “problem… i have a big GOD.”Dont work too hard to give yourself the best of everything, instead make a greater effort to give GOD the best of yourself.“in the ocean of lyf, GOD s our bouyant force, no matter how strong d wind & how gigantic d waves r, we will not sink bcoz we r anchored 2 HIM”“No one is HOPELESS whose HOPE is in GOD”Life cud b so bad. Situation might be so hard but the KNowledge that you have GOD is something that cheers you up.When Life Gets Difficult, When The Tasks Become Tiring, When Your Heart Is Giving Up, Remember That The SNAIL Got To Noah’s ark …. inch by inch! .. good day (“,)“sunrise meks our mornings beutiful, but d words of GOD strengthen us & mek our lives more meaningful”. smile & enjoy life!Love begins w/a smile, grows w/a kiss, ends w/a tear. Wen u wer born, u wer crying & evryone around u was smiling. Live yr life so dat wen u die, u r d 1 smiling & evryone around u is crying.“The bad things in life open your eyes to the good things you weren’t paying attention to before.”“GOD doesnt require u 2 b d best, HE just wants u 2 do ur best & HE will tekker of d rest “.
كل عام وأنتم بخير بمناسبة العام الجديد 2015 وننر لكم صور 2015 على موقع صور فيس بوك وتوجد الكثير من الصور والرسائل الأخرى ولكم رسائل 2015.